Thank you for your interest in (or even curiosity about) Okinawa. What most people know of this charming island group is its role as the “bloodiest battle of World War II, in the Pacific.”
Indeed, that was a very significant few months in our history, which affects the prefecture today. However, who we are and the amazing story of our unique culture and heritage goes back thousands of years. Check out our History of Okinawa page.
Our organization is, foremost, about supporting the expatriate (or more appropriately, diasporic) Okinawan community in the southeastern US. We, also, have a passion to cultivate and share our rich culture, fascinating history, elegant arts and enviable lifestyle with anyone and everyone. To see what we are doing and the the details of our events, go to the EVENTS page.
So, please search this website. Get to know us, where we come from, what we do and where you can see and meet with us. We hope you learn something that interests you and provokes you to ask questions.
For information on the fire and destruction of Shuri Castle, go to the Shurijo Destroyed by Fire page. Please leave a comment or memory.
Also, visit our Facebook page:
Facebook.com/Atlanta Okinawa Kenjin Kai
Feel free to contact us and we will respond as soon as possible. Right now, this is the best way to inquire about membership in our organization. Also, check out our RECENT POSTS (in the left side bar) and feel free to leave a comment.
THANK YOU にふえ で-びる
Yumiko Kinjo Hoyt, President, Atlanta Okinawa Kenjin Kai Email: Yumiko@atlantaokk.org
********** Note from webmaster: I am constantly working on/updating our website, so please keep checking here to find new information. I would appreciate any suggestions or corrections.
Feel free to email me at: craig@atlantaokk.org and I will respond ASAP.